Fellowship Opportunities at Macland
In addition to the fellowship you can have through our bible study classes, you can enjoy several social opportunities:
Wednesday Night Dinners
The early church was marked by the love they had for one another. On Wednesdays, we share a meal, share our stories, and end with a short prayer after sharing our joys and concerns.
Several times throughout the year we have all church potlucks. Immediately after worship we fellowship together and enjoy a meal.
Family Game Nights
These family friendly game nights offer a little something for everyone.
Small Groups
We currently have two official Small Groups. One is at the capacity but the other is open to new members. New groups are easy to form if you would like to start one.
Knit Wits
This energetic and diverse group not only works on their own projects but they also provide community service projects. This group has made afghans for hospice and chemo patients, afghans for high school grads, gift afghans, baby caps for Cobb Hospital, guidepost sweaters, scarves for Thornwell Home, baby blankets for Sweetwater Mission, scarves for the Women’s Extension, hats for the children in our preschool, and baby blankets for newborns at the church. They will even teach you to knit or crochet if you want to learn. They meet the 4th Monday of every month.
This Small Group fellowship meets on Mondays to work on their needlecraft projects, usually knitting or crocheting. On the 4th Monday they get together with the Knit Wits.
Golf Outing
Once a year the men of Macland host a golf outing.
Twice a year the men of Macland host a weekend long backpacking trip to nearby destinations.